Thursday, March 17, 2011


Hello Everyone,

We went to Shari's oncologist yesterday to get the results of her ct-scan she took a couple of weeks ago. The doctor said that the cancer was GONE and that is terrific news. All of your prayers and our prayers have been answered by our GOD in Heaven, praise the LORD! Shari will go back in June for a check up and I'll update everyone then. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR PRAYERS!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Recent CT-Scan & Mamogram

GOOD NEWS, GOOD NEWS, GOOD NEWS! Shari went to LBJ last week to have a ct-scan and mammogram run. We just got the results of the mammogram and it was negative for cancer. She does have a benign spot though. Isn't that GREAT NEWS! We go to the doctor next Wednesday for the results of the ct-scan and a doctors appointment. I will update after we see her doctor. Our Prayers are being answered!!!!!!!!!!!                                                                                     Bob

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Shari's January Update

Hello Everyone,  Well we went to Shari's doctor to get the results of her last CT scan. Shari still has a small nodule of cancer about mid abdomen that is about the size of your little fingers nail. Dr. Romdetta said the she was fairly sure as the nodule was larger before her last set of chemo and now it has shrunk. She also said that the nodule could be benign after the chemo as many times the cancer is killed and the benign nodule is left. WELLLL, we'll just pray that this is the case and the cancer is gone! Starting in mid March Shari will be examined again and may have to start a new series of chemo but that remains to be seen. Please keep Shari in your prayers.        Bob/Dad