Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hi Everybody - Well, we went to the hospital yesterday morning for Shari to take her 1st chemo treatment after her operation but it was a no go. Last Wednesday we went and had blood drawn for her blood work. They told us when we got there yesterday that Shari's blood count was too low and that she needed a blood transfusion. Well by the time the two units of blood arrived, it was an all day affair just like when she goes for her chemo treatment. She did sleep all night for the first time since her operation and that was a blessing. I'll take her back this Monday for her chemo treatment and then after that she'll have two more and we'll hopefully be done with them!
Here I am again asking for your prayers and thanking you all for your past ones as they have done their job for Shari.
Love you all,

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Shari's Post Operative Checkup

Hi All - We went to the doctor on Wednesday for Shari's post operative visit. They took out her staples which was not painful at all. Dr. Rhomendetta said that the biopsies were negative as far as the other organs she took out but there was cancer in her ovaries and the fatty tissue above them. I can't remember what clinical term she used for the fatty tissue. This was great news! Shari will go through three more chemo treatments to make sure they kill any cancer cells that are floating around in there. Then she will go back every 3 months to make sure no cancer has returned. The doctor was pleased with Shari's recovery from the operation and she should start her first of the three chemo treatments in two weeks. GOD is great because he has answered all our prayers for Shari during this trying time. Thank you all for your love and prayers! I will update you when any news becomes available.
Sincerely and with love,

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

EUREKA! I brought Shari home from the hospital yesterday at about 5:30 pm. Of course, they told us that she could go home at 11am and we left the hospital at 4:30. I just can't understand why it takes sooooooooooo loooooooooooooog to be discharged. Same damn thing in my case each time I went into the hospital. Anyway, she's home and doing better and slept good probably for the first time since going in to the hospital. Will keep up with the blog until Shari is in complete remission. Our prayers are being answered; thank you all!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hospital Stay

Hello All,
Today is Shari's third day in the hospital. Yesterday she got up and walked the halls in her section three or four times. She is making progress but still has a lot of pain but says the pain is getting somewhat better. Shari is still on a liquid diet, broth, popcycles, juice and the such so maybe today she can have some solid food but we will see. I hope today will be a great improvement in her healing and that she can go home tomorrow, Monday. That's what Dr. Rhomendetta seems to be shooting for on her recovery. Thank you all again for your prayers!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Dear Family and Friends,
Shari had her surgery yesterday. She went into the operation at 9am and came out at 1:30 pm and was in recovery until 4pm. Dr. Rommendetta said the operation was a complete success as far as she was concerned. Only area that had cancer was her ovaries but she did a complete hysterectomy and took out her appendix also. When Shari was 12, they were supposed to have taken her appendix out then, figure that! Now she will do 2 or 3 more bouts of chemo to make sure none of the "litt'l buggers" come back. If Shari stays in remission for the next year then she has a good chance of the cancer not returning. Dr. Rommendetta said that she was very pleased with the outcome as of course are we. Shari is on the second floor, section - 2B, room 5 and bed 1 in LBJ Hospital on Kelly St., Houston, TX. She will be there for 4 to 5 days depending on her recovery. I thank each and every one of you for your prayers because GOD heard them and delivered his promise. Please keep 'em coming for Shari's speedy and complete recovery!
Sincerely & with love,